EAUFBA has developed a rich continuing education tradition, especially in the field of Public Administration and Social Management, a practice that has accompanied this institution since its birth until today. Even when headquartered in the neighborhood of Nazaré, in the sixties, EAUFBA already carried out continuing education activities for civil servants, political leaders and businessmen, a practice that has been developed to date for the different local, regional and national audiences.
Over the past 20 years, a series of actions, programs and projects, with an continuing education nature, have been developed at EAUFBA, both from institutionalized groups and from continuing education and research agendas developed by professors and students, and from public notices or private partnerships, without necessarily being attached to institutionalized groups.
The initiatives in the continuing education field already developed by EAUFBA comprise a repertoire of practices that have been stimulated, enriched and fed back in the reformulation of the pedagogical projects of Bachelor’s degree courses. This is a fruitful environment for innovations in training processes, which is the basis for continuing education activities to be inserted in EAUFBA’s regular undergraduate and graduate courses- a potential element in expanding cooperation networks between university and society.In addition to continuing education activities insertion in regular courses, every six months EAUFBA will offer slots to special students in its regular subjects, providing continuing education training to society.
The main types of continuing education activities offered at EAUFBA that cover several thematic areas are concentrated in programs, projects, courses/workshops, events, Curricular Action in Community and Society (ACCS), social residency, and service provision.
Set of articulated medium and long-term projects of a community, educational, cultural and technological nature, working in thematic areas of university continuing education.
“Set of continuous actions of a community, educational, cultural, scientific and technological nature, with a defined objective and determined term” (UFBA, Resolution No. 02/2012/CAE-UFBA).
Courses and workshops
Continuing education courses fall under the modalities of permanent education programs, or refresher, improvement and specialization programs. They contemplate both the diffusion of knowledge and techniques through training courses and the development, deepening and diversification of undergraduate degree holders’ training.
“Action that implies the presentation and/or public display, free or with a specific audience, of cultural, artistic, sports, scientific and technological knowledge or product developed, preserved or recognized by the University” (UFBA, Resolution Nº 02/2012 / CAE- UFBA).
Curricular Action in Community and Society (ACCS)
“Curricular components offered every six months, which include continuing education activities in a multidirectional relationship with society groups, creating and developing technology and innovation, promoting exchange, re-elaboration and production of knowledge of reality with a perspective of transformation” (UFBA, Resolution CONSEPE nº 01/2013). Over the past few years, EAUFBA has been developing some ACCS coordinated by its professors in the fields of solidarity economy, Bahia black people’s memory and the management of the future, as well as in the field of social assistance and care public policies.
Social Residency
Created, registered and implemented by CIAGS/EAUFBA, social residency is applied to its master’s program. It is a technology for training social managers that enables the synergy between theory and practice and different types of knowledge. Practical-reflective activities are developed and the student is immersed in a distinct social reality, living in concrete experiences of social management and development, similar to a mix of internship, consulting, intervention, and social research practices.
Services provision
“Actions through which skills and knowledge of the University’s mastery are made available in the form of assistance, consultation, examination and laboratory tests, specialized procedure, consultancy, advice, technical assistance and maintenance of equipment, performance of studies, organization of publication, preparation and guidance on projects and similar activities ” (UFBA, Resolution Nº 02/2012 / CAE-UFBA).