Organizations - EAUFBA


Organization that represents the interests of students of undergraduate and graduate programs (lato sensu and stricto sensu) in Management before EAUFBA. The DA organizes activities aimed at improving the quality of higher education, holds meetings, carries out and implements academic projects. It is responsible for the social and cultural integration of students, in addition to representing students in relation to all their desires.



Organization that represents the interests of the students of the Bachelor’s degree in Executive Secretariat before  EAUFBA. The DA organizes activities aimed at improving the quality of higher education, holds meetings, carries out and implements academic projects. It is responsible for the social and cultural integration of students.


Non-profit civil association, formed and managed by students, which provides Management consultancy services to various organizations in the areas of marketing, finance, people and processes. It allows the development of students’ multiple skills and competences by enabling them to get along with different organizations and the labor market.


Non-profit civil association managed by students of the Executive Secretariat course, which organizes, coordinates and/or hosts academic and institutional events, mainly graduations. It also provides services in the secretariat area for micro and small companies, as well as the community in general, through project planning and execution.


Organization that seeks to develop youth leadership through the exchange of experiences from different cultures through social and business exchange programs.



Organization responsible for integrating students through various sports competitions and integration events (parties, among others), which can be held together with the DA.