Areas - EAUFBA


EAUFBA produces knowledge in several areas. Some of these areas stand out for the concentration of researchers, for the recurrence of scientific and technological production, or for original research efforts. There are many questions that instigate research.

Public administration

What is the nature of the relationship between state and society? What are the epistemological and ontological advances in Public Administration? What are the institutions that make up Public Administration, its structure, dynamics and conflicts? How do contemporary society demands transform Public Administration? How do State institutions plan and execute the public budget? How do these institutions carry out control, taxation, inspection and regulation? How do the development and implementation of Public Administration and Public Policy instruments take place? What are the processes and nature of intergovernmental relations in the public bureaucracy? What characterizes the public sphere, public-private relations, public governance, political and organizational culture? How does the production of public goods and services impact the peoples’ lives? Can public policies and management contribute to the mitigation of social inequalities? What public management instruments can be designed and implemented based on a broad and inclusive notion of res publica? What are the perspectives for the analysis and evaluation of public policies? How to evaluate management and public policy so as to enhance their positive effects and mitigate the negative ones? How to understand the territory as a locus of development and public investment?

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Social Management

What are the epistemological and ontological advances in social management? How to think about the singularities of social management in public and private territories and organizations? How can social management contribute to the development of territories? What are the purposes and meanings of territorial development in contemporary times? What are the instruments of social management and what distinguishes them? How do organizational and interorganizational networks promote innovations in social management and socio-territorial development? What differentiates the performance of social managers in the face of social diversity and inequality? How to think about the singularity of management focused on social and solidary relationships in organizations? How can management value and encourage participation and democratic decision-making processes? What are the impacts of solidary and democratic management on the different dimensions of life? How do social management relations occur in the expansion of public and social spaces? How does social management influence social and political learning processes in the territories? How to promote socio-territorial management experiences, and which territorial management models promote socio-territorial development and qualification?

Organizational Studies

How to think of organizations from the epistemology of practice? How to expand and deepen the organizational analysis and enhance the management of the most diverse organizations? How can organizational sayings and doings be understood from pragmatic approaches? How to conceive organizations and their management from the solidarity, popular and sharing economy? How to diagnose structures and skills for learning and delineate their relationships with individual and organizational performance? How do organizations learn? What are the antecedents, processes and results of organizational learning? How are organizational learning and performance related? What is the social utility of organizations? How to strengthen solidarity relations in organizations? How are culture, aesthetics and creativity expressed in organizational dynamics? How do justice, commitment, entrenchment, and shared leadership affect organizational life?

Management Education

How to evaluate learning, teaching configurations and education policies? How do the different evaluation approaches and methods relate to the uses of evaluation? What factors drive the uses of evaluation? What is the impact of educational management and institutional diversities on training policies? What methodologies, policies and educational resources stand out today? How to conceive teaching from multi-referential contexts and designs at multiple levels, languages and formats? How do different training environments and scales affect training pathways? How to think of teaching-learning strategies from experience, technology, aesthetics and art? What are the promising prospects in entrepreneurial education? How does teaching become a professional career?

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Culture

How can organizations benefit from open innovation? What are the determinants of organizational innovation capacity? How to manage the innovation process in products, processes and technologies? How to assess the innovation capacity of a region or territory? What kind of skills is needed for managers of the innovation process? How does articulation occur in an innovation ecosystem? What types of policies can foster innovation? How does the innovation system of a region and territory benefit from the formation of learning networks between higher education institutions? What determines success in technology park projects? What are the theoretical, epistemological and ontological challenges to entrepreneurship? What is the importance of entrepreneurship in the creative economy? How to do business as an entrepreneur and manage in the field of culture and the arts? What characterizes artistic, cultural and solidary entrepreneurship? What are the singularities of artistic-cultural organizations? How to teach, learn and become a manager and entrepreneur of these organizations? What do these organizations teach us about the creative process and its management?

Management and Sustainability

Who are the main social actors linked to sustainability management and how are they strategically positioned? What are the main conflicts of vision and interest that exist between these actors? How does governance occur between the main international, regional, national and local actors, norms and instruments aimed at sustainability? What are the main social and environmental aspects, in addition to the economic ones, to be observed by decision makers in the public, private and third sector spheres? How to manage sustainable territories, organizations and projects in the midst of the climate crisis? What standards, instruments and actors should be considered when proposing and implementing actions to enhance the positive impacts for the organization and society? How can organizations and their managers seek to minimize their negative impacts? Is it possible to be, in fact, a sustainable organization? How to measure the degree of sustainability in management or in an organization? What are the mechanisms that build, develop and maintain organizations today?

Political Administration

What are the ontological and epistemological aspects that qualify Political Administration as a field of knowledge? What are the ontological and epistemological advances in Political Administration? What are the interfaces between the field of Political Administration and Scientific Administration? What are the interfaces between the fields of Political Philosophy, Political Economy, Political Sociology and Political Administration? Why has the State assumed a prominent role in the standards of political administration of modern and contemporary societies? What are the singularities and distinctions between Political Administration, Public Administration and Corporate Administration? How can we analyze the situation in Political Administration, in order to consider the abstract (theoretical) and empirical aspects that reflect, inseparably, the administrative phenomena in any society and type of organization?