Claudiani Waiandt - EAUFBA


Claudiani Waiandt

Research Methodology,

Management Education,

Social Management,


Research and innovation methodologies adapted to the development of professional education is something I dedicate myself to and I believe it has the potential to bring university knowledge closer to the transformation of our society.

Ph.D. in Administration at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Master and Graduated in Management at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil.

Research and publications focused on the area of ​​Administration, especially on topics on research and innovation methodologies, social management and development, culture and professional education.

Experience as coordinator of the Social Development and Management Program, CIAGS/EAUFBA (2018-2019) and as professor for the MSA/CAIXA course (CIAGS/EAUFBA). Experience as a consultant at CAPEX/UFBA (2016-2019). Recognition from the Salvador City Council for teaching in the Executive Secretariat Course.