Genauto Carvalho de França Filho - EAUFBA


Genauto Carvalho de França Filho

In a universe of reflection on solidarity and organizations, we work with different themes covering the relationship between economy and democracy, economy and solidarity, and economy and territory, to strengthen a research and extension agenda allowing us to think about another management.

Ph.D. in Sociology at the Université de Paris VII, France. Master and Graduation in Administration at the Universidade da Bahia, Brazil.

Research and publications focused on economics and development and on the relationship between organizations and solidarity, highlighting themes such as economic democracy, management of common goods, social innovation and solidarity economy, associations, cooperatives, social currencies and solidarity finance, as well as management of territorial development, public policies and incubation in solidarity economy.

Coordinator of the Graduate Center for Management (NPGA/EAUFBA). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Development and Social Management (CIAGS/EAUFBA). Coordinator of the Technological Incubator for Solidarity Economy and Management of Territorial Development at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (ITES / UFBA). CNPq Researcher: Productivity Scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension – DT II.