João Martins Tude - EAUFBA


João Martins Tude

Social management,

International management,


Management Education

My teaching and research activities reflect my passion for teaching, development and the Public University.

Ph.D. in Business Administration at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil, with a sandwich internship at Michigan State University, United States. Master’s Degree in Political Science at the Universidad Computense de Madrid, Spain. Master and Graduation in Administration at the Universidade Federal University da Bahia, Brazil. Specialization in Methodology and Didactics of Higher Education at Faculdade São Bento.

Research and publications focused on critical and epistemological studies of Administration, with emphasis on themes on the management of processes of socio-territorial development, solidary economy, public policies, political administration and international organizations and global governance.

Director of the School of Management at the Universidade Federal da Bahia. Reviewer of periodicals such as Revista Organizações & Sociedade and Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. Experience as deputy director of the School of Management at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (2015-2019).