Renata Rossi - EAUFBA


Issues such as the tensions between public and private interests, and the ways of exercising power in contemporary Brazil, help us think about the field of Public Administration. I seek to carry out teaching, research and extension in an articulated way, supporting the Public University as a space for criticism, democracy and inclusion.

Ph.D. in Administration, Master in Social Sciences and Graduate in Administration at the Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil.

Research and publications focused in the area of ​​Public Administration, with a focus on the themes of regulation, structure and transformation of the State, socio-environmental conflicts.

Researcher at the Águas Ambiente e Sociedade Research Group (DG/CNPq) and at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development and Management (CIAGS/EAUFBA). Coordinator of the Free Extension Course on Fundamentals of Administration.